A certified therapist and coach here to guide you
Hema is a straightforward, kind and results-orientated therapist certified in achieving comprehensive wellness, including mental health, peak performance, and healthy aging. With over 20 years of experience and qualifications, she offers expert step-by-step guidance for natural health and healing.
Hema is known for working at depth. She understands whole-life transformation from a number of valuable lenses, eastern and western, old and new.
Ayurveda Health Counsellor (AHC1)
Kundalini Yoga Teacher (iSKY Cologne and Reading)
Hatha Yoga Teacher (Prana Yoga College Vancouver)
Tantra Yoga Teacher (Sri Kali Ashram in India)
Meditation Teacher (Maxine Fone, London)
Reiki Master Teacher – Seichem & Usui Reiki Ryoho
BSc in Computer Science (2:1) University of Sheffield
Psychotherapeautic Coach (West London, Online)
Traditional Tantra studies in Kashmir Shaivism formerly with Sally Kempton and Bhagavan Shanmukha Natha.
Ayurveda Doctor studies (CCA)
Women’s Health & Hormones
WISDOM: Express your greatest potential by living naturally
BALANCE: Remove, declutter, release, detox, digest
SOCIAL JUSTICE: Hema’s work is underpinned by…
Empowerment: She encourages continuous improvement without reliance on external authorities.
Energetics: She aims to teach people to take control of their minds and bodies.
Excellence: Hema endeavours to fulfil her purpose and helps you do the same.