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Lifestyle Coaching

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Balance Mood & Physique,
Elevate Health & Happy Hormones,
Age Well.



Human beings aren’t separate to nature, we are nature. When we honour natural rhythms and cycles – our own and universal – we enjoy lifelong health, healing and empowerment. 

Hema’s approach guides a natural evolution – shedding outdated versions of yourself and stepping into your healthiest expression.

The journey is clarifying. In a world that constantly drains mental focus and physical energy, true transformation comes not from adding more, but from removing what no longer serves – toxins, traumas, inflammation, and weight – so your true nature can shine.

Health is not merely the absence of disease.
It’s the art of living with purpose, peace & passion. –
Hema Neer



The Art of Undoing

Deep well-being isn’t about adding more – it’s about letting go. The modern world constantly pushes us to do more, achieve more, fix more. But healing happens when we strip back, remove what’s weighing us down, and reconnect with our natural state. When we stop interfering and start cooperating with our true nature, we prosper across life. 

This philosophy isn’t about following rigid rules or adopting complex routines. It’s about undoing the habits, beliefs, and patterns that pull us away from balance. A return to simplicity. A return to self. A return to wholeness.



Hema Neer promotes a truthful way of seeing transformation through a number of valuable lenses both old and new, and this applies more than ever to the modern woman.

She is proud of her record because she doesn’t make promises she cannot fulfil. The message is simple: sustainable solutions are only possible when the brain, body, soul and environment are cleared of toxins, blocks, inflammation and waste. Only then can the individual truly take back control and unfold their potential.

As an experienced coach, mentor and healer, Hema created her Members Club to ensure that women have a space which equips them to look after themselves with lifestyle habits that matter for life-long health, healing and empowerment. New Age, superficial bandaids are avoided and you are fast-tracked to what works.

A certified holistic health practitioner, psychotherapist and energy advisor, Hema has previously worked on luxury yachts and in corporate with progressive and influential women, business-owners and coaches – to transform stress, health and wellbeing.

“What lights me up is helping women in their quarter life feel their healthiest for themselves and the people in their life.” – Hema Neer